
我在这里: 首页学校简介


琴之韵音乐学院建立于2007,我们用心打造音乐环境为学生培养良好的情感基础。凡超过四岁以上的幼儿、成人,零基础均可报名。常年招生,报名后即可安排上课。 我们的老师会根据学生自身学琴的过程以及在钢琴教学中的经验积累,总结出了针对不同学龄学生的独特教学方法。特别是在对幼儿钢琴启蒙教育方面,是以顺应孩子的天性来开发其听觉、动觉的潜能,使孩子对艺术的感受力、情感、兴趣得到全面的提高。教师们的钢琴课亲切细腻、形象生动,深入浅出,通俗易懂。由于我们的老师责任心较强,又善于运用启发式、鼓励式、趣味式、台阶式等方法授课,深受孩子们的喜爱!我们的老师曾辅导过多名钢琴学生以及各个年龄段的学员均在钢琴考级考试中获得的好成绩,受到学生及家长的一致好评。此外,我们的老师在即兴伴奏及成人钢琴速成方面,也有着很深的造诣! 在钢琴教学期间,培养了大批优秀的成人钢琴学生!

Our retail store has the LOWEST prices on GUITARS, FLUTES and other student instruments that are tested and endorsed by our teachers.

Instruments can be bought or rented to own.

Students of all ages are very happy and feel pride to be in such a great school that really cares about them.

Kouri Flute Academy is a place where students succeed and we can be counted on to serve our community. We donate to schools, volunteer, help Big Brothers and are always there to support our students with anything.

